
With first-light in 2037, Spec-S5 will be the premier instrument to probe both epochs of accelerated expansion. By mapping 10x more linear modes than DESI + Rubin + CMB-S4 it will dramatically increase our knowledge of early universe physics by mapping the imprint of primordial features over an enormous volume of the distant universe. Existing NOIRLab telescopes in both the northern and southern hemispheres will be upgraded in order to achieve full sky coverage on dedicated platforms. Spec-S5s highly efficient acquisition system will position 26000 individual fibers over a 2.2 degree field-of-view, and provide spectroscopy covering a large optical band (0.36-0.98 μm) at moderate spectral resolution (R ~ 2200-5000), mapping 62 million galaxies and quasars in the z > 2 universe in addition to over 100 million galaxies at z < 2.
